Maximize Your Brain Power

10 Essential Steps to Unlock Your Quick Brain

Orb of power

Photo by Ramón Salinero / Unsplash

Hello there, Paul here. Today, I have a unique treat for you - a powerful guide to navigating your brain’s capability and optimizing its health. These are 10 elements backed by science to boost your cognitive performance, making you not only faster but also smarter and better. While these tips may seem like common sense, they are not commonly practiced. Therefore, I urge you to rate yourself on a scale of zero to 10 on how well you’re doing in each area.

1. Fuel Your Brain with the Right Food

Yes, you are what you eat, and your diet significantly impacts your brain health. Several foods are known for their potent neuroprotective properties. Here are my top ten (in no particular order):

  • Avocados: A fantastic source of monounsaturated fats for healthy blood flow.

  • Blueberries: These ‘brain berries’ protect your quick brain from oxidative stress, reducing the effects of brain aging conditions.

  • Broccoli: A rich source of vitamin K and fiber, it enhances cognitive function and improves brain power.

  • Coconut oil: Its medium-chain fats help create ketones that fuel your brain.

  • Eggs: Loaded with memory-improving choline, Omega threes, and vitamin E.

  • Green leafy vegetables: Spinach, kale, collard greens offer vitamin E and folate.

  • Salmon: Wild deep water fish packed with omega three essential fatty acids.

  • Turmeric: It reduces inflammation, boosts antioxidant levels, and improves your brain’s oxygen intake.

  • Walnuts: High in antioxidants and vitamin E, they protect your neurons and ward off brain aging conditions.

  • Dark chocolate: A delicious brain booster that helps with focus and concentration.

Evaluate your diet on a scale of zero to 10. How healthy is it?

2. Kill Those ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts)

The next key is to deal with your self-talk. Start by rating yourself on how well you handle those automatic negative thoughts (ANTs). Remember, thoughts are powerful, and they can either serve or hinder us.

3. Exercise Regularly

Your brain is primarily designed to control your body. Therefore, as your body moves, your brain grooves. Regular physical activity boosts blood flow and oxygen to the brain, improving focus and memory.

4. Optimize Brain Nutrients

If you’re living a fast-paced lifestyle, ensure that you’re not missing essential supplements. Consider seeing a functional medicine doctor for a blood test to check your nutrient profile.

5. Surround Yourself with a Positive Peer Group

The people you spend time with significantly influence who you become. Evaluate your social networks and ensure that they support your growth and positivity.

6. Maintain a Clean Environment

A clean environment means more than just a tidy desk; it includes clean air and water as well. Pollutants can harm your cognition, so maintaining cleanliness is essential for brain health.

7. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, plaque removal (which can lead to brain aging), and dreaming. Dreams often provide solutions and insights that enhance our waking lives.

8. Protect Your Brain

Concussions and electromagnetic fields from smart devices can harm our brains. It’s crucial to take steps to protect yourself from these risks.

9. Learn Continuously

New learnings stimulate neurogenesis (creation of new brain cells) and neuroplasticity (creation of new connections). Novelty and nutrition are key to fostering these processes.

10. Manage Stress

Stress is often invisible but can dramatically affect our cognitive functioning if not managed properly. Find effective coping mechanisms such as meditation, yoga, or massage.

Each of these keys is essential in unlocking your quick brain’s potential. They are not standalone solutions; instead, they work best in harmony.

What steps do you plan on taking to unlock your quick brain? Remember, “First you create your habits, then your habits create you.”
